Knowledge Program (Cognitive Intelligence)
Our Knowledge program has been designed to develop strong cognitive and intellectual skills by teaching children about exploration, discovery, problem solving, observation, and conceptual development.
As the program is getting children ready for school cognitively and intellectually, it is integrated with a recognised multi-sensory program.. Opportunities and resources are provided which are varied and relevant to the child’s stage of development and interests. Challenges are provided to extend their thinking and opportunities to make choices, see and experience the consequences of choices are provided. Children are consistently provided with experiences to develop their attention span.
As your child grows and develops we surround them with new ideas and activities that build on existing knowledge and skills as we focus on their areas of interests and beyond, to make the experiences real for them. Questioning and non-verbal communication are enhanced whilst the children observe what is happening in the activities and children’s problem-solving skills progress. Questions are addressed so as to maintain the child’s interest in solving the problem.
Research has shown that the years from birth to age 5 are viewed as a critical period for developing the foundations for thinking, behaving, and emotional well-being. Child development experts indicate it is during these years that children develop linguistic, cognitive, social, emotional, and regulatory skills that predict their later functioning in many domains of their lives, so it is crucial we do all we can to give them a great start in life.